My Nanny & Poppy (Kenley's great grandparents) have been visiting since Wednesday. Kenley is their first great grandchild. We've had a great time. Nanny & Poppy took the Amtrak train all the way from Kentucky to see us. They leave tomorrow afternoon and we will miss them. Here are some pictures from their visit.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Under Construction
I am attempting to change our blog a little. So if it looks a little strange, that means I've stopped to play with Kenley!
Posted by The Brullooly Family at 12:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Two Months Old!
Dear K Rae,
Today you are TWO months old! These past 2 months have flown by. You have changed so much since last month. You’ve gone from looking so much like me to looking EXACTLY like you Papa! It’s so not fair! You’ve always had a lot of hair, but this last month it’s gone crazy! It sticks up all over your head, and there is nothing I can do to make it lay down. It’s OK though, I think it’s cute all crazy!
You had your 2 month check up yesterday. You weigh 12 pounds and 4 ounces and are 24 inches long. That’s the 75th Percentile in weight and the 95th Percentile in length! You’re a tall baby! You also had your first set of shots. You cried like I’ve never seen you cry before and it broke my heart. You seemed to recover pretty quickly though.This month you have started to smile all the time. It’s amazing! You are always in a really good mood in the early morning…well, early is relative…you sleep until about 9:30am most days. I really appreciate that! Though I’m sure it won’t last forever!
You really love being outside. You can be completely fussy, and if I take you outside, you calm down right away. Same goes for the bath. You love the bath. You sit it your little whale tub and just hang out.
You are such a joy for me Baby Girl. You are so loved by so many people. I love you so much.
Posted by The Brullooly Family at 10:24 PM 1 comments
Labels: Monthly Kenley