Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Step One to Infant Mobility
So, we recently bought Kenley a play mat with the arches and all the toys dangling down. I swear it wasn't the second time she played with it, she started rolling over. She rolls from her back to her tummy, which is the opposite of how it should be at first. So, she rolls to her tummy and after about a minute, she screams because she really doesn't like being on her tummy. It's kinda funny!
Zoe thinks she's Kenley's babysitter when she's playing on the floor. It's too cute! Here are some pictures of us at Grandpa's house (chillin' in the A/C) and playing.
Posted by The Brullooly Family at 3:09 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Happy Birthdays!
We've had a busy weekend and Monday. Yesterday was Phil's birthday, and today is his sister Rachel's birthday.
Today is also his mother's (Signe) birthday. She passed away April 10 and we miss her dearly. Happy Birthday Philip, Rachel, and Signe. You are all loved very much.
Posted by The Brullooly Family at 10:16 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
Three Months Old!
Dear Sweet Baby,
Today you are THREE months old! You are growing too fast. Mommy doesn’t like that! Stop it!
I am loving my new “job” of taking care of you. There isn’t anything else I would rather do. You wake up with a smile on your face every morning and every time you wake up from a nap, and I am just so blessed to be able to see that everyday.
This month you have really started to turn into an active little girl. You’re no longer a newborn lump! (though I loved you just as much when you were a lump!) You’ve discovered your feet and think they are really cool. Your getting so strong and can sit in your Bumbo seat all by yourself and look around. You really love to lay on the couch and talk to people.
You are starting to show an interest in your toys now. Your favorites are Gloworm, Kerry the Fairy, and Levi the Lion (we like to name things around here. We have a Helga the German Hippo puppet/washcloth. The hippo speaks with a German accent). You are also starting to notice other babies. At Mommy Group this week, you sat and looked at the other babies and just smiled and cooed.
You had a very exciting month. You met Nana and Grandpop and Nanny and Poppy. You had such a good time getting spoiled by them. We can’t wait to see them again in October.

Oh Baby Girl, what else can I say. You just melt my heart.
Posted by The Brullooly Family at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: Monthly Kenley
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Can my baby really be teething? She's not even 3 months old! But, it seems like she may be. She's chewing on everything and drooling all the time. Maybe it's just what almost 3 month olds do, but it sure does seem like teething. I guess we'll see!
Here are just a few pictures of Kenley in her Bumbo seat. It's new for her, so it's fun to see her reactions.
Posted by The Brullooly Family at 11:54 PM 2 comments
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July!
It's the 4th of July! Kenley and I are at home after a BBQ at Uncle Tony's and then spending some time at Grandpa's house cooling off. Phil's off to the Dirty Projectors concert. So, it's just me, a sleeping Kenley, Eli, Lily, and Zoe. I don't know how Kenley's sleeping through all the fireworks, but she is.
Anyway, no more rambling. I just wanted to put some pictures up for my family.
Wearing her first University of Kentucky outfit that Nanny and Poppy brought her! And, she's showing off those Shoemaker blue eyes!
Posted by The Brullooly Family at 10:58 PM 0 comments