Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Step One to Infant Mobility

So, we recently bought Kenley a play mat with the arches and all the toys dangling down. I swear it wasn't the second time she played with it, she started rolling over. She rolls from her back to her tummy, which is the opposite of how it should be at first. So, she rolls to her tummy and after about a minute, she screams because she really doesn't like being on her tummy. It's kinda funny!

Zoe thinks she's Kenley's babysitter when she's playing on the floor. It's too cute! Here are some pictures of us at Grandpa's house (chillin' in the A/C) and playing.

Zoe says it's really tiring taking care of a baby!


Karen said...

Maddie wants to roll so bad. She tries hard, but it just hasn't happened yet. BTW she hates her tummy too. Screw tummy time!

Dan Brunner said...

Can hardly wait to see that kiddo turn over! Wow...and I was hoping she wouldn't change while I was away. Glad you're staying cool...
