Dear Kenley,
Today you are 9 freaking months old! I swear you turned like 6 months old 2 weeks ago, I must have blinked.

You've been threatening to crawl for nearly a month and half, and last night, you finally crawled! Your Papa and I were so excited! You're a pretty funny kid that way. You seem like you just decide OK I'll crawl you've been holding out because you wanted to do it on your own time. I don't know where you get that stubborn streak!

You've become quite the little chatterbox this month. You say babababa, mamama, dadada, nanana. I swear you said banana the other day. Probably just a ba and a nana smooshed together, but I thought it was funny. And of course it's because you are a genius baby!
You've finally started to eat! For a while there, I thought you'd drink only milk for the rest of your life! You really love squash and pears. You're not so fond of carrots. You are coming around to green things! You had chicken for first time tonight. You seemed to like it, even though it was pureed beyond recognition!
Right after you were born, I was scared that I would be bad at being a stay at home Mom. I was afraid I would be lonely and bored and not teach you enough. I could not have been more wrong. There's never a dull moment with you kiddo...and I LOVE IT! Oh, and I love you too!!!!
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